"Nearly 98 % of Participants of famous TV program "Biggest Loser" (who would lose upto 20 pounds a week by following restrictive diets and hard workouts) regained more weight
within few weeks"

On the surface, weight loss should be simple: cut back on calories, ramp up on exercise, and the pounds should fly-and stay-off. But it’s much more complicated than that. Obesity is a real disease, with real physiological consequences: when you gainweight, the nerves in your hypothalamus that conduct signals from your fat cells to the rest of your brain become damaged. As a result, your brain doesn’t realize that you’re full, so you keep eating. At that point, people are not gaining weight just because they’re consuming more calories-once someone has become overweight or obese, the body produces hormones such as insulin that increase fat storage. That makes it more likely that those extra noshes will be harbored as fat.
Losing weight through quick fixes and urealistic solutions is not sustainable, which helps explain why US. Weight-loss market is a $66 billion industry. Dropping pounds quickly or through dramatic short-term approaches is often not the best idea, yet Americans spend billions of dollars each year going on coordinated diet programs, undergoing bariatric surgery, using apps that track their every calorie and step, and even embracing “fad” diets. And for all that, the weighty truth is that more than 70% of U.S. adults remain either overweight or obese.

The health consequences are real. More than 70 illnesses including heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and even some cancers-are the direct result of carrying around too much body fat. Even when people do end up shedding weight, the regain rates are staggering. More than 80% of successful dieters end up gaining back all their weight-and then some-within about two years

Once you start losing a substantial amount of weight-considered at least 10% of your body weight-your body goes into “starvation mode.” Your system slows its production of leptin, a hormone that suppresses your appetite, while at the same time pumping up levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin, explains Aronne. The result: you’re walking around feeling constantly famished. Yet despite the odds, there are encouraging signs.  There is a growing movement to focus on healthy lifestyle tweaks rather than extreme diets. Recognizing this shift, in 2018 WeightWatchers rebranded itself as WW, with the slogan. Its new mission: “We inspire healthy habits for real life.” Meanwhile, researchers keep learning from people who lose pounds and get healthier as a result. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter if you put someone on a low-fat or a low-arbohydrate diet-in the end, studies show people lose the same amount of weight.
"You can’t pick the right diet because none of them work"
Some healthy experts usually encourage patients to eat as much protein, fruits and non-starchy vegetables as theywant, while restricting starch intake to one to two servings a day. Protein is particularly essential because it helps build back muscle mass, which reverses the decline in metabolism.

When you do eat starchy carbs, try to consume them last. people who ate chicken and vegetables first, followed by bread and orange juice, had significantly lower blood-sugar and insulin levels after a meal than people who ate the exact same thing in the reverse order.

"At any given time, more than a third of Americans are on a specific diet yet overweight and obesity is on rise"
"More than 80% of successful dieters end up gaining back all their weight and then some within about two years"
“While dieting along with fat, you shed muscle too; and the less muscle you have, the fewer calories you burn.”
“There’s no amount of exercise
or fasting that can overcome a bad diet or
an unhealthy lifestyle.”
"Any effort of losing weight without fixing lifestyle and diet is destined to fail"
"When health scientists, doctors, dietitians and health books authors want to lose weight and get in shape, they don't join weight loss centers, count calories or starve themselves, they just fix their diet and lifestyle"
Most people may think the reason people get fat is simple. “Why don’t they just eat less and exercise more?” To you the calories-in-vs.-calories-burned equation for weight loss may make sense. I used to think just like you. But then my own research-and the contestants on a smash reality-TV show-proved me wrong. I started watching The Biggest Loser several years ago on the recommendation of a friend. I saw these folks stepping on scales, and they lost 20 pounds in a week.  On the one hand, it tracked with widespread beliefs about weight loss: the workouts were punishing and the diets restrictive, so it stood to reason that the men and women on the show would slim down. Still, 20 pounds in a week was a lot. To understand how they were doing it, I decided to study 14 of the contestants for a scientific paper.

When you do eat starchy carbs, try to consume them last. people who ate chicken and vegetables first, followed by bread and orange juice, had significantly lower blood-sugar and insulin levels after a meal than people who ate the exact same thing in the reverse order.

Exercise is also a key piece of the puzzle. Whereas aerobic exercise helps you lose weight by increasing the amount of calories you expend, resistance training helps prevent your metabolism from taking a nosedive. That’s because along with fat, you shed muscle too; and the less muscle you have, the fewer calories you burn.

What I didn’t expect to learn was that even when the conditions for weight loss are TV-perfect-with a tough but motivating trainer, strict meal plans and kilter workouts-the body will, in the long run, fight like hell to get that fat back. Over time, 13 of the 14 contestants I studied gained, on average, 66% of the weight they’d lost on the show, and four became heavier than they were before the competition.

That may be depressing enough to make even the most motivated dieter give up. “There’s this notion of ‘Why bother trying?". But finding answers to the weight-loss puzzle has never been more critical. The vast majority of American adults are overweight; nearly 40% are clinically obese. And doctors now know that excess body fat dramatically increases the risk of serious health problems, including Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, depression, respiratory problems, major cancers and even fertility problems. Obesity now drives more early preventable deaths in the U.S. than smoking. This has fueled a weight-loss industry worth $66.3 billion, selling everything from diet pills to meal plans to fancy gym memberships.

It has also fueled a rise in research. Last year the NIH provided an estimated $931 million in funding for obesity research, and that research is giving scientists a new understanding of why dieting is so hard, why keeping the weight off over time is even harder and why the prevailing wisdom about weight loss seems to work only sometimes-and for only some people.

What scientists are uncovering should bring fresh hope to the 165 million Americans who are overweight, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Leading researchers finally agree, for instance, that exercise, while critical to good health, on its own is not an especially reliable way to lose weight. And the overly simplistic arithmetic of calories in vs. calories out has given way to the more nuanced understanding that it’s the composition of a person’s diet-rather than how much of it they can burn off working out-that sustains weight loss.

The researchers also know that the best diet for you is very likely not the best diet for your next-door neighbor. Individual responses to different diets-from low-fat and vegan to low carb and Paleo-vary enormously. Some people ona diet program lose 60 pounds and keep it off for two years, and other people follow the same program religiously and they gain five pounds. If we can figure out why, the potential to help people will be huge.

Scientists agree that key to weight loss appears to be highly personalized rather than the adoption of trendy diets. And although weight loss will never be easy for anyone, the evidence is mounting that it’s possible for any one to reach a healthy weight-people just need to find their best way there.

The 1960s saw the beginning of the massive commercialization of dieting in the U.S. That’s when a New York housewife named Jean Nidetch began hosting friends at her home to talk about their issues with weight and dieting. Nidetch was a selfproclaimed cookie lover who had struggled for years to slim down. Her weekly meetings helped her so much-she lost 72 pounds in about a year-that she ultimately turned those living-room gatherings into a company called Weight Watchers. When it went public in 1968, she and her co-founders became millionaires overnight. Nearly half a century later, Weight Watchers, which in 2018 was rebranded WW (with the slogan “Wellness That Works”), remains one of the most commercially successful diet companies in the world, with 3.6 million active users and $1.3 billion in profits in 2016.
The 1960s saw the beginning of the massive commercialization of dieting in the U.S. That’s when a New York housewife named Jean Nidetch began hosting friends at her home to talk about their issues with weight and dieting. Nidetch was a selfproclaimed cookie lover who had struggled for years to slim down. Her weekly meetings helped her so much-she lost 72 pounds in about a year-that she ultimately turned those living-room gatherings into a company called Weight Watchers.

What scientists discovered, however-and what frankly startled them-was that even when the Biggest Loser contestants gained back some of their weight, their resting metabolism didn’t speed up along with it. Instead, in a cruel twist, it remained low, burning about 700 fewer calories per day than it did before they started losing weight in the first place. When people see the slowing metabolism numbers, their eyes bulge like, ‘How is that even possible?’ The contestants lose a massive amount of weight in a relatively short period of time-not how most doctors recommend you lose weight-but research shows that the same slowing metabolism scientists observed tends to happen to regular Joes too.Most people who lose weight gain back the pounds they lost at a rate of two to four pounds per year.
For the 2.2 billion people around the world who are overweight, latest findings can seem like a formula for failure-and, at the same time, vindication. They show that it’s indeed biology, not a lack of willpower, that makes it so hard to lose weight. The findings also make it seem as if the body itself will sabotage any effort to keep weight off in the long term. But a slower metabolism is not the full story. There are many people who succeed in losing weight and keeping it off.  Scientists seen it happen more times than they can count. The catch is that some people appear to succeed with almost every diet approach-it just varies from person to person. You take a bunch of people and randomly assign them to follow a low-carb diet or a lowfat diet, you follow them for a couple of years, and what you tend to see is that average weight loss is almost no different between the two groups as a whole. But within each group, there are people who are very successful, people who don’t lose any weight and people who gain weight.

Understanding what it is about a given diet that works for a given person remains the holy grail of weight-loss science. But experts are getting closer. Scientists have devised a way to track people who successfully lose weight and keep it off. When they started it, the perspective was that almost no one succeeded at losing weight and keeping it off.  They didn’t believe that was the case, but they didn’t know for sure because they didn’t have the data.

To qualify for initial inclusion in the registry, a person must have lost at least 30 pounds and maintained that weight loss for a year or longer. Today the registry includes more than 10,000 people from across the 50 states with an average weight loss of 66 pounds per person. On average, people on the current list have kept their weight off for more than five years.
"Healthy lifestyle and diet is the ONLY real weight loss science, rest everything else is are profitable gimmick. "
Scientists have found that healthy adults who did resistance training two to three times a week for nine months saw a 5% increase in resting metabolic rate. Finally, don’t discount the real health benefits you gain from shedding just a little bit of weight. We see the greatest improvements in health with just losing 5% to 10% of bodyweight. Losing merely this much significantly lowered patients’ risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease. If someone’s 200 pounds, it’s a lot less daunting to encourage them to lose just 10 or 20 pounds, as opposed to 50. They’re much more likely to keep off that weight. And at the end of the day, perspective, that’s what matters the most.
Often, a lower-carbohydrate diet-one in which about 30% of calories come from protein and the rest fromlow-glycemic foods (those that don’t raise your blood sugar quickly, such as non-starchy vegetables, nuts, beans and some fruits)-is easier to follow because it’s less likely to trigger hunger pangs.
Elizbeth Preston, 31,was on lifestyle diet plan. Her weight had fluctuated throughout her life, and she had attempted dangerous diets like starving herself. One time, she even dropped from a size 14 to a size 0 in just a few months. When she started lifestyle diet plan, Elizbeth weighed 173 pounds.At 4 feet 11 inches, that meant she was clinically obese, which means having a body mass index of 30 or more. Unlike Kelly, Elizbeth would often break the rules but yet she managed to lose substantial weight. Today sheweighs 116 pounds and has maintained that weight for about a year.

Some speculate it’s people’s genetics that cause weight gain and make it harder to lose weight. Over the past several years, researchers have identified nearly 100 genetic markers that appear to be linked to being obese or being overweight, and there’s no doubt genes play an important role in how some people break down calories and store fat. But experts estimate that obesity-related genes account for just 3% of the differences between people’s sizes-and those same genes that predispose people to weight gain existed 30 years ago, and 100 years ago, suggesting that genes alone cannot explain the rapid rise in obesity. What’s more, a recent study of 9,000 people found that whether a person carried a gene variation associated withweight gain had no influence on that person’s ability to lose weight. This is indeed a good news.

Carrying the high-risk form of the gene makes you more likely to be a bit heavier, but it shouldn’t prevent you from losing weight. However, scientists have found a  link between weight gain and chemicals we are exposed to every day-substances like the bisphenol A (BPA) found in linings of canned goods and cash-register receipts, the flame retardants in sofas and mattresses, the pesticide residues on our food and the phthalates found in plastics and cosmetics. What these chemicals have in common is their ability to mimic human hormones, and some scientists worry that they may be wreaking havoc on the delicate endocrine system, driving fat storage.
"By following a lifestyle diet plan and making just seven lifestyle changes, you can not only reverse weight faster than any of weight loss systems but also maintain it for good;"
"Dr. Yoni Freedhoff has nutshell vast lifestyle weight loss science to just seven most vital changes and a diet plan for every layman who doesn't want to get lost in needless scientific jargon and details. "
Immediate Access!
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Lifestyle Change Five
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The concept of the calorie as a unit of energy had been studied and shared in scientific circles throughout Europe for some time, but it wasn’t until World War I that calorie counting became de rigueur in the U.S. Amid global food shortages, the American government needed a way to encourage people to cut back on their food intake, so it issued its first-ever “scientific diet” for Americans, which had calorie counting at its core.

Dieting has been an American preoccupation since long before the obesity epidemic took off in the 1980s. In the 1830s, a vegetarian diet that excluded spices, condiments and alcohol remined a fad. At the turn of the20th century, it was fashionable to chew food until it was liquefied, sometimes up to 722 times before swallowing, based on the advice of a popular nutrition expert named Horace Fletcher. Lore has it that at about the same time, President William Howard Taft adopted a comparatively contemporary plan-low-fat, low-calorie, with a daily food log-after he got stuck in a White House bathtub.

Scientists have found that healthy adults who did resistance training two to three times a week for nine months saw a 5% increase in resting metabolic rate. Finally, don’t discount the real health benefits you gain from shedding just a little bit of weight.
We see the greatest improvements in health with just losing 5% to 10% of bodyweight. Losing merely this much significantly lowered patients’ risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease. If someone’s 200 pounds, it’s a lot less daunting to encourage them to lose just 10 or 20 pounds, as opposed to 50. They’re much more likely to keep off that weight. And at the end of the day, perspective, that’s what matters the most.

You, like most people, may think the reason people get fat is simple. Why dont they just eat less and exercise more? To you the calories-in-vs.-calories-burned equation for weight loss may make sense. I used to think just like you. But then my own researchand the contestants on a smash reality-TV showproved me wrong. I started watching The Biggest Loser several years ago on the recommendation of a friend. I saw these folks stepping on scales, and they lost 20 pounds in a week.  On the one hand, it tracked with widespread beliefs about weight loss: the workouts were punishing and the diets restrictive, so it stood to reason that the men and women on the show would slim down. Still, 20 pounds in a week was a lot. To understand how they were doing it, I decided to study 14 of the contestants for a scientific paper.

The concept of the calorie as a unit of energy had been studied and shared in scientific circles throughout Europe for some time, but it wasn’t until World War I that calorie counting became de rigueur in the U.S. Amid global food shortages, the American government needed a way to encourage people to cut back on their food intake, so it issued its first-ever “scientific diet” for Americans, which had calorie counting at its core.

In the following decades, when being rail-thin became ever more desirable, nearly all dieting advice stressed meals that were low in calories. There was the grapefruit diet of the 1930s (in which people ate half a grapefruit with every meal out of a belief that the fruit contained fat-burning enzymes) and the cabbage-soup diet of the 1950s (a flatulenceinducing plan in which people ate cabbage soup every day for a week alongside low-calorie meals).
Dieting has been an American preoccupation since long before the obesity epidemic took off in the 1980s. In the 1830s, a vegetarian diet that excluded spices, condiments and alcohol remined a fad. At the turn of the20th century, it was fashionable to chew food until it was liquefied, sometimes up to 722 times before swallowing, based on the advice of a popular nutrition expert named Horace Fletcher. Lore has it that at about the same time, President William Howard Taft adopted a comparatively contemporary plan-low-fat, low-calorie, with a daily food log-after he got stuck in a White House bathtub.
Though she had lost weight in her 20s doing Weight Watchers, she gained it back after she lost a job and the stress led her to overeat. Jeans would wake up on a Monday and decide she was starting a diet, or never eating dessert again, only to scrap the plan a couple of days, if not hours, later. “Unless you’ve had a lot ofweight to lose, you don’t understandwhat it’s like,” she wrote. “It’s overwhelming, and people look at you like it’s your fault.” People who internalize weight stigma have a harder time maintaining weight loss. That’s why most experts argue that pushing people toward health goals rather than a number on the scale can yield better results. When you solely focus on weight, you may give up on changes in your life that would have positive benefits, It took Kelly one year to lose 75 pounds while on lifestyle diet plan. She credits the the small and easy changes to her lifestyle for her success.
The most revealing detail about the registry: everyone on the list has lost significant amounts of weight-but in different ways. About 10% of them say they lost weight following various diets on their own, for instance, and 90% say they lose weight by making lifestyle changes. And some of them had to try more than one diet before the weight loss stuck. What keeps weight off The researchers have identified some similarities among them: 98% of the people in the study say they tweaked their lifestyle and diet. They were able to enjoy everything yet keep the weight at bay.

During this study, scientists say the most encouraging lesson to be gleaned from their registry is the simplest: in a group of 10,000 real-life biggest losers, people lost weight using different diets and methods but no none was successful in keeping the lost weight off without making lifestyle changes.

Let me tell you story of Kelly Makana, 52, an IT project manager in Toronto. She had been overweight since she was a child. When she first contact us via email, she was 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighed 240 pounds.

What most of these diets had in common was an idea that is still popular today: eat less fattening food and you will lose weight. Even the low-fat craze that kicked off in the late 1970s-which was based on the intuitively appealing but incorrect notion that eating fat will make you fat-depended on the caloriecounting model of weight loss. That’s not what happened when people went lowfat, though. The diet trend coincided with weight gain. In 1990, adults with obesity made up less than 15% of the U.S. population. By 2010, most states were reporting obesity in 25% or more of their populations. Today that has swelled to 40% of the adult population. For kids and teens, it’s 17%.

Research is beginning to explain why. As demoralizing as his initial findings were, they weren’t altogether surprising: more than 80% of people with obesity who lose weight gain it back. That’s because when you lose weight, your resting metabolism (how much energy your body uses when at rest) slows down-possibly an evolutionary holdover from the days when food scarcity was common.
When health scientists, doctors, dietitians and health books authors want to lose weight and get in shape, they don't join weight loss centers, count calories or starve themselves, they just fix their diet and lifestyle. They know there is no other choice. Everything else is are profitable gimmicks. Healthy lifestyle and diet is the ONLY real weight loss science! Unfortunately, your reach to that science is interrupted by a throng of misleading "Diet Books". After all, If everyone gets access to real information, how will the 254.9 billions' weight loss industry sustain and thrive?!

Luckily, Dr. Yoni Freedhoff has nutshelled vast lifestyle weight loss science to just seven most vital changes and a diet plan for every layman who doesn't want to get lost in needless scientific jargon and details.  

By following a lifestyle diet plan and making just seven lifestyle changes, you can not only reverse weight faster than any of weight loss systems but also maintain it for good; because it becomes impossible for body fat to stay solid in anti-fat conditions created by lifestyle changes.
Depending on how MUCH and how FAST you want to lose weight, you have two CHOICES: follow lifestyle diet plan or (if you want to lose weight more casually) follow lifestyle weight loss rules. You must REMEMBER if you choose to lose weight by following "Lifestyle Diet Plan", you may, later, have to make lifestyle TWEAKS to maintain the lost weight or lose weight further.   
Q:- How fast can I lose weight while using 'Lifestyle Diet Plan'?

Depending on how MUCH and how FAST you want to lose weight, you have two CHOICES: follow lifestyle diet plan or (if you want to lose weight more casually) follow lifestyle weight loss rules. You must REMEMBER if you choose to lose weight by following "Lifestyle Diet Plan", you may, later, have to make lifestyle TWEAKS to maintain the lost weight or lose weight further. 

Q:-Who can benefit from Lifestyle Diet Plan?

Lifestyle is safe and equally effective for every person of every age group of both genders.

• Children
• Teenagers
• Adults
• Pregnant women
• Breastfeeding mothers.

Q:- How is 'Lifestyle Diet Plan' different from other diet plans and products?

As is evident from the name, lifestyle diet plan is a permanent solution to weight loss because it is a solution for life. It is safe, proven and the most effective weight loss science. Unlike other weight loss plans and products that make you drop a few pounds by dehydrating your body and thinning muscle mass. You lose real body fat.

Q:- Is "Lifestyle Diet Plan" available in stores?

No, it is not a hard copy book and it is not available in stores. It is an e-book in PDF format that can be downloaded on the computer right after payment. However, if you fail to download a book on your computer, you can send an email at support@lifestyledietplan.com, we will resend you download link in email within six hours.

Q:- Will I not get back the weight lost with the Lifestyle Diet Plan?
Unlike other temporary and unsafe weight loss systems, weight lost with Lifestyle Diet Plan® is enduring and long-lasting because it is a reversal of causes of weight gain. How could you gain weight when there is no cause for putting on weight?! Unlike different diets, plans and programs, lifestyle diet plan does not restrict you from enjoying foods that you like.

Q:- Will I be able to lose weight without sacrificing foods of my choice?

You will enjoy the majority of foods that you like. However, you will have to reduce the quantity of a few extremely fattening foods. There is no point in filling the stomach with fattening foods. However  you will learn how to safely cheat once in a blue moon.

Q:- I am a vegan; will your program help me lose weight?
Yes, this program benefits both------vegans and non-vegans----- equally good.

:- I am diabetic, can I follow the plan?
Yes, of course.
I work in call center and almost 6 days a week I work overtime. At home I have to take care of big family of 7 members. I could never spare time for myself for dieting or exercising. Resultantly I kept on putting weight.  It was becoming next to impossible for me to lose weight. All I could do was keep on trying weight loss pills. But I am yet to hear from someone who has lost weight with weight pills or capsules without gaining even more later on, if not with other complications!

It is 6 weeks since I have downloaded this book and have lost 28 pounds already. I don't think it was without God's help that I reached this website and thought of trying this book. I prayed a lot to God to send some help because I want to live for my family, exclusively my youngest daughter who has turned 3 this April. 

If you have time, money and nerves to survive repeated disappointments, you can try other weight loss products. If those fail, don't forget to give this book one try in the last. I recommend you to bookmark this page. 

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It is Unbelievably True
I have lost 27 pounds since mid-June using this system. My review writing date is 23rd of August. I can assure you that weight loss has never been that easy; believe me I have been lifetime dieter and could never find an easier way to lose weight than this system. I did not  have to feel deprived, starved or desperate as I would feel being on diets. I m a "real" mom who doesn't have anything to gain or lose by recommending this product. It works.

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Magic Is Here
Easier Way To Lose Weight
If you re reading these reviews, what you really want to know is: does it work? YES!!!! Buy it, read it and do it. Just follow the plan and see pound coming off your body. If you are not able to follow the lifestyle plan, then simply make recommended changes to your lifestyle and dietary intake to get in shape equally faster.There remains no reason for body fat to stay in your body. Enjoy the change in your life. You 've been looking and waiting for a magic pill, well the magic is here, just not in the form of a pill.

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It Worked When Powerful Weight Loss Products Failed
Lifestyle Diet Plan has done what could not volumes and volumes could not do. I have lost 21 pounds in four weeks and 3 days. It is so wonderful feeling to finally feel empowered over stubborn body fat.Lifestyle Diet Plan is more powerful weight loss system than anything else I have used. Even powerful weight loss pills and diets failed on me. You can't imagine how blessed I feel.

I have never written a review for anything I have purchased online or offline. But lifestyle diet plan has given me reason to leave a review. It has changed my life  I highly recommendation this most effective weight loss system.

I ve been using "Lifestyle Diet Plan" for four weeks and have lost 14 lbs, so around 3 and half lbs/week which I understand is a safe satisfactory weight loss rate. I like the feeling of control that this program has given me. It is interesting how making few easy changes to your lifestyle and diet can reverse the course of body weight, even though I eat everything that I have been eating. Also, I ve been exercising regularly (cardio, 30-40 minutes a day, 5 days a week) which helps keep the weight coming off steadily.

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It is Interesting How Life Style Diet Plan can Reverse Body Weight
In 45 days I have lost 28 pounds. This eBook has provided me the easiest weight loss system that has enabled me to begin this weight loss journey. This book has brought an incredible change in the life of this lifelong emotional eater. But this book is not only about "quick weight loss"; has made it easier, safer and lasting. No starvation! However, if you exercise along with it, pounds drop even faster.  I have recommended this book to my clients, friends, and families.
While browsing through internet, my mom landed on this page. She told me about "Lifestyle Diet Plan". I decided to buy it, so next day I purchased it. I think that was one of the best decisions I have ever made. 

I am impressed by the results. I followed it very religiously and have dropped 3 dress sizes. Sometimes, I can t believe it is real. It worked for me and I can honestly say I had pretty much given up hope anything ever would. It s great this system and luckily is available in simple eBook form. I recommend it to everybody I know. Buy this book, best thing you can do for yourself this year.
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I Am Impressed by Results
No Starvation for Weight Loss
What a brilliant eBook! I thought I knew everything there was to know about dieting. This book just puts it all into perspective. I must admit I never thought there was anything wrong with my lifestyle or diet. It has proved me wrong. And that was the reason I was putting on weight. Honestly, I have never found such effective information anywhere. The amazing part of the eBook is lifestyle rules. By incorporating these rules, I have already lost 20 pounds in 4 weeks. Let me mention here that I was seriously thinking of weight loss surgery these days! 
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I Was Thinking About Weight Loss Surgery
My boyfriend's mom did not want him marry me because she would think I was too fat and could become even worse. It was depressing but my boyfriend stood by me, promising he will never leave me, no matter what. Though his mom never taunted me; however her behavior towards me was never appreciable. My boyfriend indirectly told me, in softer words,  what her feeling were toward me.

Even though I had love pledge form my boyfriend as he was willing to move out of his mom s house but yet some part of mine was hurt, ready to take up challenge of weight loss. I wanted to show his mom how wrong she was.

For last one year, I have desperately tried everything and have succeeded in losing 15 pounds; whereas in this very month I have lost 18 pounds following this plan. It is wonderful feeling of success. I am just 30 pounds away from my target and giving my "would-be" mother in law a shock of her life. By grace of good God, it should not take more than two months to reach my weight loss goal.

I highly recommend this eBook to everyone who is looked down upon as overweight like me and those who want to get best results in shortest time possible. Remember, I am the one who has, desperately, bought every weight loss product in last year, most them I did not even try.  
36 of 47 people found the following review helpful:
I Could Not Find a Better Weight Loss Product

Finally, a dieting program that is as effective and life-enriching as it is. The lifestyle diet plan is about GROWTH while you shrink! My younger sister and I have lost 17 and 14 pounds respectively in three weeks. The best purchase of my entire life, indeed.
Effective Dieting System
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This eBook contains the most and realistic approach to reverse weight and live a fit life. Believe me; I have lost 22 pounds in 6 weeks without starving myself. If you use lifestyle diet plan and yet don't lose weight, it could only because of any medical condition. It is not less than miracle for me.
I Lost 23 Pounds in 4 Weeks
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When I was trying to make up my mind to buy this dieting program, I remember one good review helped me to make this decision. Now, I believe that decision was one of the best decisions I have ever made; because thanks to that decision my life has become much charmer, happier and much easier. If my comment can help anyone make a decision, I would say make it.
My Life Has Become beautiful
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This is a great book. I have referred it to many friends. Simple, effective and realistic weight loss information. 'Lifestyle Diet Plan' is incredibly more effective than I had originally thought. My friend and I have lost 4 lbs each the very first week we began using it.  So far we both have lost 30 and 35 pounds respectively. But let me mention one thing. We both never missed one hour's walk. Highly recommended from both of us.
Thumps Up
98 of 99 people found the following review helpful:
This book is an amazing treasure. I feel myself lucky that I stumbled on it "accidentally."  After skimming through the book the thought that passed my mind was, my lifelong search of an effective weight loss system has finally come to and end. I mean how could you not lose weight after you reverse the reasons of weight gain? Every sentence of this book is priceless.  It was definitely worth my time and money; and I ve already made lots of changes to my lifestyle and diet. I feel more in control of my life. I am losing weight constantly without any concrete effort. What a weight loss system.
Losing Weight Constantly
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107 of 112 people found the following review helpful:

I truly recommend this book to everyone who needs it. It has really made an impact on my life and the rewards are coming as I am losing weight non-stop! Loved it from the very first minute I downloaded it!
Non-stop Weight Loss
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Guaranteed Weight Loss
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The book is worth every penny you pay for it. I love the author's practical approach to weight loss. It is an impressive eBook. This book will change your life. If you follow the "Lifestyle Plan' religiously, take my word, you will lose weight non-stop.
Worth Every Penny
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I am a career dieter, so the last thing I needed was another diet destined to failure. What I needed was an easy but effective weight loss system. This eBook has given me the tool that I needed. It is for the first time ever that my weight loss has entered double digits in just three weeks. I have lost twelve and half pounds in first 3 weeks. I am sure I am closer to realization of my dream  of living a fit and fat-free life. I have found it 100% effective; hence I can recommend it. 
100 % Results
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"Lifestyle Diet Plan" works like nothing else. If you use this dieting system, you will see a difference in all areas of your life, improved energy, improved sleep, better digestion etc.... . This has made a positive difference in many areas of my life. This eBook is the cheapest way to get a fat free body. Your life will change for the better.
Cheapest Way to Get Fat Free Body
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I ve read a lot of "Diet" books, but most of them were just telling me what to eat and what not; not addressing what was actually making me overweight and not providing an easy solution. This book does that and that is why I have succeeded losing 37 pounds. For anyone who has keen aspiration to get a totally slim smart body, this eBook is the greatest shortcut.
Greatest Shortcut to Weight Loss
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It took me one long year to lose 40 pounds dieting and exercising. And it took me only four weeks to lose 19 pounds with one tip. Amazing!
Lost 24 Pounds in 4 Weeks
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For the first time in years, I m excited about bikini season!! This amazing diet has rekindled all the desires and hopes to revitalize my life and dreams. I have lost 9 pounds in 7 days! I don t know how to thank my God! This eBook is God s hidden help.
Lost 9 Pounds in One Week
21 of 22 people found the following review helpful:
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This eBook is excellent. You will find this book completely different from other conventional weight loss books. I believe if there is any way to lose weight safely, quickly and permanently this book reveals that. My heart patient mother has lost 9 pounds simply by eating heart-healthy soup mentioned in the book. I would recommend this book to everyone who needs to lose weight.

Best of Best Dieting System
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I have to admit I was skeptical, but this book does a great job of explaining eating in a healthy way. Forget trying to remember the proper portion size, because ONE TIP takes on weight more quickly and accurately than anything else. I have lost 14 pounds in 19 days and have not gained even one pound for last one month even though I am not using one tip. It was definitely worth the purchase!
Lost 14 Pounds in 21 Days
15 of 16 people found the following review helpful:
I have been losing weight for as long as I can remember, but I believe that I have finally reached the culmination of it with this eBook. I have lost 18 pounds with one diet in just 4 weeks.
Weight Loss Journey Completed
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This book has given me an opportunity to find the reasons why I have been failing to shed few pounds. This system has helped me lose 27 pounds of stubborn belly fat. I intend to keep on using this diet till last chunk of ugly 90 pounds is lost. Thank God I have it. Great read, highly recommended.
Great Read, Highly Recommended
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My mother sent this book to me as a birthday present. She had lost 17lbs in 32 days I started it on July 1st (it s 28th of July today) and I have managed to lose 15lbs!
I find it very easy to follow as compared to the typical diets, plans and programs, because it allows you eat almost everything after making a small changes. What else a food lover would want!
The amazing part is that one small change has induced a total aversion towards junk food------------another miracle.
What I really like about this plan is the ultimate science behind it - how small changes can make a greater difference. Try it.
335 of 350 people found the following review helpful:
What Else would a Food Lover Want
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Five Stars from Me
There are SO many books, products, plans and programs. Most of them are not even worth trying. If you are lucky you will reach the right one without much loss of money and time. I reached to 'Life Style Diet Plan' after lots of loss of money and time. If you are reading this comment, before wasting too much money and time, consider yourself lucky. Buy it.

Follow the plan and lose as much as you want. I had never imagined I could lose 23 pounds in   seven weeks by making a small changes. Blessings for authors!
Real Advice
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Among the many diet and weight loss books published each year, this digital book is one that provides a realistic, effective and extremely easy weight loss solution. It is entirely safe and effective weight loss system based on ultimate weight loss science . 
Every sentence written in the book is precious and guides you to a fat free, healthy and longer life.  Five stars from me.
59 of 60 people found the following review helpful:
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Are you serious in losing weight? Don't waste a penny on anything else now. This dieting system is the best of all. All you need is 'life style diet plan'.  This advice is from the person who has spent 10 years trying different weight loss programs and plans. If you will believe me, better for you. Good luck and best wishes.
Best Weight loss System Ever
I m a 65 year old retiree who quit workouts and healthy eating 5 years ago after the death of my beloved wife, ate all the wrong food, put on 55 pounds and 5 pant sizes. I bought the book and followed the authors few suggestions in letter and spirit. As I complete my 6th week,I 've already lost 30 pounds and two pant sizes and have never felt better. There are so many plans given in the book, but I did not follow any plan. Instead, I just made few vital changes to my lifestyle and diet. That is it. The results started coming. I highly recommend the book to anyone who seriously wants to lose weight and get in shape. I will definitely continue using one One tip till I reach  appropriate weight for my age. Don't miss it, Don't procrastinate, buy it today; you may lose the link!
753 of 740 people found the following review helpful:
Buy It If You Can
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I am the mother of 3 little ones and my husband works late nights most days, so needless to say how my days are hectic. I ve been unable to drop the weight that I gained during three pregnancies. I needed an easy and effective plan that suited my lifestyle. Though not easy for me to follow this plan but yet I managed to follow it for last five weeks, losing 19 pounds. I sometimes question myself, is it real?  Yes, it is big time real. Everyone who knows me ask, how did I do it! When I tell them that "Lifestyle Diet Plan" has done this miracle, their surprise gets even deeper.

If my option matters to you, don t waste your money and another day on result-less products (name any, I have used that).  JUST REMEMBER ONE DAY YOU WILL HAVE TO BUY THIS BOOK, IF NOT TODAY. IT IS PROMISE FROM SOMEONE WHO HAS TRIED EVERY, APPARENTLY, ADVERTISED WEIGHT LOSS SYSTEM.
450 of 503 people found the following review helpful:
Life Style Diet Plan Has Given Me Hope
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Unbelievable! This book is a God sent help! I have tried every popular weight loss program on the market and nothing has worked long term. Either my food cravings will break my will power or I will get disappointed (and depressed) after seeing little result despite committedly following weight loss plan.

I have been following this program for less than one month (21 days) and I ve lost 14 pounds. My coworker started a week after me and she has lost 11 pounds. Even though we are different body types we are still seeing tremendous results.

This is not a traditional diet book. It Is a book about undoing the very causes of weight gain. Get this book and start melting bunches of ugly fat from your body. It is unbelievably easy to follow. I wish Oprah could do a show on it.
This Book is Godsent!
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My daughter has been trying to lose weight for her upcoming proms without any success; hence, I decided to help her. I found this book that is absolutely amazing. My daughter is happy after losing 11 pounds in just two 2 weeks. She wants to use it for few more weeks. I have never seen her this happy and confident in last couple of years. What can make mother more happy than seeing her children happy and healthy. You will find far more than the following in this book.
- Education
- Options
- Lifstyle Rules
- Weight Loss Keys
- Meal Plans
- Recipes
-And Much More.

I hope and pray it works like it has worked for my daughter. Though there is no reason it will not.
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This Book Helped My Daughter!
939 of 1193 people found the following review helpful:
I have been chubby girl always. I never tried or thought of losing weight until my boyfriend proposed me. I wanted to make a slim bride. I tried myriads of plans and programs, even weight loss pills, but nothing worked. If something worked for one week or two. Next week, it backfired.

Exercise and I are two opposite things. The only exercise I do is walk though the mall while shopping. You can keep me on feet in mall for whole day. But walk on trail or treadmill is as hard for me as going to job after a long weekend. :).

My boyfriend's elder sister suggested of giving a try to lifestyle plan, because she knew someone who had lost substantial weight using this system. In next three months, I lost 33 pounds, enough to make me a slim bride. What else could I expect? Indebted to the author.  
1291 of 1349 people found the following review helpful:
It Made me a Slim Bride
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A 37-years-old woman that has struggled to lose weight for a number of years writes this review. The combination of too much work, sleeplessness and lack of exercise resulted in "excess storage tissue" as my darling husband likes to calls it.

If you have ever struggled with excessive weight and couldn t motivate yourself to stick with a diet and exercise for the long time you should read this eBook, you are guaranteed to lose weight. I have 27 pounds and maintained it for last 6 months by doing nothing special other than following some rules from the eBook. 
Submit Your Review
© 2023 lifestyledietplan.com
I am at loss of words to express my thanks for this miraculous small book that has totally changed my life. You can t imagine how bad it felt when people would say things like, "You are so pretty, just drop few pounds".  Once one guy (who I was going out with for two weeks) said, "You know Isabel, I am pretty okay with how you look, but my mom may not feel comfortable with your weight".

I broke up with the guy on the same day but promised myself that I will get rid of these ugly pounds as soon possible. I starved myself in the beginning but could not continue it for long. Then I tried few weight loss products like pills, diets and plans, some of which worked and helped me in losing up to 20 pounds, but no sooner I resumed normal food, I gained back all the lost weight.

Idea of lifestyle diet plan really impressed me as soon as I visited your page, so within a minute I decided to try it. Will you believe I have lost 41 pounds in only 13 weeks and I don t have to worry about putting on weight back again because I am following "lifestyle diet plan"®, I mean real reasons of putting on weight are eliminated.

I owe you millions of thanks for changing my life from hell to heaven.
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Download process is simple. Even if you haven't downloaded anything ever, yet you can download ebook by following the simple instructions on download page. However, if you fail to download, we can send you ebook in email within next 1 to 8 hours if you request us at support@lifestyledietplan.com.
If you don't buy this e-book today, it is your choice. Buy it only when you feel fully convinced to buy it. However, you must remember that till then you will not only be losing precious moments of pleasure and grace of of having slim body, you will be suffering agony of bieing overweight and health risks! Time is ticking and every moment is precious.

You can try other products before downloading "Lifestyle Diet Plan". If other products and systems fail in helping you lose weight, don't forget to try this ulitmate weight loss science in the last. It will not disappoint you at all..
Exercise is also a key piece of the puzzle. Whereas aerobic exercise helps you lose weight by increasing the amount of calories you expend, resistance training helps prevent your metabolism from taking a nosedive. That’s because along with fat, you shed muscle too; and the less muscle you have, the fewer calories you burn.
I quickly learned that in reality-TV land, a week doesnt always translate into a precise seven days, but no matter: the weight being lost was real, speedy and huge. Over the course of the season, the  contestants lost an average of 127 pounds each and about 64% of their body fat. If my study could uncover what was happening in their bodies on a physiological level, I thought, maybe Id be able to help the staggering 71% of American adults who are overweight.
In the following decades, when being rail-thin became ever more desirable, nearly all dieting advice stressed meals that were low in calories. There was the grapefruit diet of the 1930s (in which people ate half a grapefruit with every meal out of a belief that the fruit contained fat-burning enzymes) and the cabbage-soup diet of the 1950s (a flatulenceinducing plan in which people ate cabbage soup every day for a week alongside low-calorie meals).
Lose Two to Four Pounds Every Weak By Making Just 7 Changes OR Following Lifestyle Diet Plan.
Sarah Before Losing Unwanted Pounds
Sarah After Losing Unwanted Pounds
When it went public in 1968, she and her co-founders became millionaires overnight. Nearly half a century later, Weight Watchers, which in 2018 was rebranded WW (with the slogan “Wellness That Works”), remains one of the most commercially successful diet companies in the world, with 3.6 million active users and $1.3 billion in profits in 2016.